
John Doe

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Read this part

This webpage is created from a file we made in a class. To convert it to a webpage,

  1. In JupyterLab, click File, then “Export Notebook as”, then markdown.
  2. Add that file into this repo.
  3. Edit that file. At the top of the file, add 3 lines with exactly this and save/commit/push it.
     layout: wide_default

    These lines make the report part of the webpage wider, which is usually a good idea for reports.

    Note 1: You can do this on any page in the website.

    Note 2: The site won’t look great on Mobile.

  4. Naturally, you’ll want to add a link to the new page you just made in your portfolio section on the main page.


Finish picking teams and declare initial project interests in the project sheet

Today is mostly about INTERPRETING COEFFICIENTS (5.2.4 in the book)

  1. 25 min reading groups: Talk/read through two regression pages (5.2.3 and 5.2.4)
    • Assemble your own notes. Perhaps in the “Module 4 notes” file, but you can do this in any file you want.
    • After class, each group will email their notes to Julio/me for participation. (Effort grading.)
  2. 10 min: class builds joint “big takeaways and nuanced observations”
  3. 5 min: Interpret models 1-2 as class as practice.
  4. 20 min reading groups: Work through remaining problems below.
  5. 10 min: wrap up

Our notes (920am class)

import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols as sm_ols
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from statsmodels.iolib.summary2 import summary_col # nicer tables

url = 'https://github.com/LeDataSciFi/ledatascifi-2022/blob/main/data/Fannie_Mae_Plus_Data.gzip?raw=true'
fannie_mae = pd.read_csv(url,compression='gzip') 

Clean the data and create variables you want

fannie_mae = (fannie_mae
                  # create variables
                  .assign(l_credscore = np.log(fannie_mae['Borrower_Credit_Score_at_Origination']),
                          l_LTV = np.log(fannie_mae['Original_LTV_(OLTV)']),
                          l_int = np.log(fannie_mae['Original_Interest_Rate']),
                          Origination_Date = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x['Origination_Date']),
                          Origination_Year = lambda x: x['Origination_Date'].dt.year,
                          const = 1
                  .rename(columns={'Original_Interest_Rate':'int'}) # shorter name will help the table formatting

# create a categorical credit bin var with "pd.cut()"
fannie_mae['creditbins']= pd.cut(fannie_mae['Co-borrower_credit_score_at_origination'],
                                 labels=['Very Poor','Fair','Good','Very Good','Exceptional'])

count    134481.000000
mean        742.428797
std          53.428076
min         361.000000
25%         707.000000
50%         755.000000
75%         786.000000
max         850.000000
Name: Borrower_Credit_Score_at_Origination, dtype: float64


As before, the psuedocode:

model = sm_ols(<formula>, data=<dataframe>)

# you use result to print summary, get predicted values (.predict) or residuals (.resid)

Now, let’s save each regression’s result with a different name, and below this, output them all in one nice table:

# one var: 'y ~ x' means fit y = a + b*X

reg1 = sm_ols('int ~  Borrower_Credit_Score_at_Origination ', data=fannie_mae).fit()

reg1b= sm_ols('int ~  l_credscore  ',  data=fannie_mae).fit()

reg1c= sm_ols('l_int ~  Borrower_Credit_Score_at_Origination  ',  data=fannie_mae).fit()

reg1d= sm_ols('l_int ~  l_credscore  ',  data=fannie_mae).fit()

# multiple variables: just add them to the formula
# 'y ~ x1 + x2' means fit y = a + b*x1 + c*x2
reg2 = sm_ols('int ~  l_credscore + l_LTV ',  data=fannie_mae).fit()

# interaction terms: Just use *
# Note: always include each variable separately too! (not just x1*x2, but x1+x2+x1*x2)
reg3 = sm_ols('int ~  l_credscore + l_LTV + l_credscore*l_LTV',  data=fannie_mae).fit()
# categorical dummies: C() 
reg4 = sm_ols('int ~  C(creditbins)  ',  data=fannie_mae).fit()

reg5 = sm_ols('int ~  C(creditbins)  -1', data=fannie_mae).fit()

Ok, time to output them:

# now I'll format an output table
# I'd like to include extra info in the table (not just coefficients)
info_dict={'R-squared' : lambda x: f"{x.rsquared:.2f}",
           'Adj R-squared' : lambda x: f"{x.rsquared_adj:.2f}",
           'No. observations' : lambda x: f"{int(x.nobs):d}"}

# q4b1 and q4b2 name the dummies differently in the table, so this is a silly fix
reg4.model.exog_names[1:] = reg5.model.exog_names[1:]  

# This summary col function combines a bunch of regressions into one nice table
print('                  y = interest rate if not specified, log(interest rate else)')
print(summary_col(results=[reg1,reg1b,reg1c,reg1d,reg2,reg3,reg4,reg5], # list the result obj here
                  stars = True, # stars are easy way to see if anything is statistically significant
                  model_names=['1','2',' 3 (log)','4 (log)','5','6','7','8'], # these are bad names, lol. Usually, just use the y variable name
                  regressor_order=[ 'Intercept','Borrower_Credit_Score_at_Origination','l_credscore','l_LTV','l_credscore:l_LTV',
                                  'C(creditbins)[Very Poor]','C(creditbins)[Fair]','C(creditbins)[Good]','C(creditbins)[Vrey Good]','C(creditbins)[Exceptional]']
                  y = interest rate if not specified, log(interest rate else)

                                        1        2      3 (log) 4 (log)     5         6        7        8   
Intercept                            11.58*** 45.37*** 2.87***  9.50***  44.13*** -16.81*** 6.65***         
                                     (0.05)   (0.29)   (0.01)   (0.06)   (0.30)   (4.11)    (0.08)          
Borrower_Credit_Score_at_Origination -0.01***          -0.00***                                             
                                     (0.00)            (0.00)                                               
l_credscore                                   -6.07***          -1.19*** -5.99*** 3.22***                   
                                              (0.04)            (0.01)   (0.04)   (0.62)                    
l_LTV                                                                    0.15***  14.61***                  
                                                                         (0.01)   (0.97)                    
l_credscore:l_LTV                                                                 -2.18***                  
C(creditbins)[Very Poor]                                                                             6.65***
C(creditbins)[Fair]                                                                         -0.63*** 6.02***
                                                                                            (0.08)   (0.02) 
C(creditbins)[Good]                                                                         -1.17*** 5.48***
                                                                                            (0.08)   (0.01) 
C(creditbins)[Exceptional]                                                                  -2.25*** 4.40***
                                                                                            (0.08)   (0.01) 
C(creditbins)[Very Good]                                                                    -1.65*** 5.00***
                                                                                            (0.08)   (0.01) 
R-squared                            0.13     0.12     0.13     0.12     0.13     0.13      0.11     0.11   
R-squared Adj.                       0.13     0.12     0.13     0.12     0.13     0.13      0.11     0.11   
R-squared                            0.13     0.12     0.13     0.12     0.13     0.13      0.11     0.11   
Adj R-squared                        0.13     0.12     0.13     0.12     0.13     0.13      0.11     0.11   
No. observations                     134481   134481   134481   134481   134481   134481    67366    67366  
Standard errors in parentheses.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, ***p<.01
count    135038.000000
mean          5.238376
std           1.289895
min           2.250000
25%           4.250000
50%           5.250000
75%           6.125000
max          11.000000
Name: int, dtype: float64

Today. Work in groups. Refer to the lectures.

You might need to print out a few individual regressions with more decimals.

  1. Interpret coefs in model 1-4
    • Model 1: The predicted interest rate for borrowers with a credit score of 0 is 11.5%.
    • Model 1: A 1 unit inc in credit score is assoc with a 1 b.p. decrease in interest rates, holding all other X constant.
      • If credit score goes from 700 to 707: rate falls 7 b.p.
      • If credit score goes from 600 to 606: rate falls 6 b.p.
    • Model 2: A 1% inc in credit score is assoc with a 6.07 b.p. decrease in interest rates, holding all other X constant.
      • If credit score goes from 700 to 707: rate falls 6.07 b.p.
      • If credit score goes from 600 to 606: rate falls 6.07 b.p.
    • Model 3: A 1 unit inc in credit score is assoc with a 0.17% (percent! not p.p.) decrease in interest rates, holding all other X constant.
      • If credit score goes from 700 to 707: rate falls by 6 b.p. (assuming y starts at avg y of 5.23)
    • Model 4: A 1% inc in credit score is assoc with a 1.19% decrease in interest rates, holding all other X constant.
      • If credit score goes from 700 to 707: rate falls by 6 b.p. (assuming y starts at avg y of 5.23)
  2. Interpret coefs in model 5
    • Model 5: A 1% inc in credit score is assoc with a 5.99 b.p. decrease in interest rates, holding constant log_LTV.
  3. Interpret coefs in model 6 (and visually?)
    • int = a + cl_credscore + dl_LTV + el_credscorel_LTV
    • deriv of int w.r.t to credit score: 3.22 - 2.18 * log(LTV)
    • For loans with an average log(LTV) of 4.2= 3.22-2.18*4.2 = -5.936
    • A 1 % increase in credit score is assoc with interest rates that are 5.936 bp lower, ceterus paribus
  4. Interpret coefs in model 7 (and visually? + comp to table)
  5. Interpret coefs in model 8 (and visually? + comp to table)
  6. Add l_LTV to Model 8 and interpret (and visually?)