Hit me (with your questions)
You are nearly done with a your first farm-to-table analysis. One big question for your findings: Are the correlations real? Will the they hold up to more rigorous scrutiny?
Over the next month, we going to look at
Next two weeks: Regression
After that: Some ML algos
Solutions to problems at scale. Fin-ML wave 1:
(Recommended reading: Chapter 4-4.2 of Data 100)
I'm going to use the word "model" a lot. So let's talk about that...
Famous take: "All models are wrong, but some are useful"
Like that weather forecast...
All of these are ways to estimate models:
The purpose of a model ($y=f(X1,X2,...)$) is typically either prediction or understanding relationships (e.g. $\delta y / \delta X1$ )
Predictions: Given some specific data X as inputs, predict $\hat{y}$
Relationships: You care about estimating the parameters of $f$
So when I discuss a "model"
But generically, it's just a way of thinking about the data.
... like FCF projections in your corporate finance classes
I'm curious about your associations, experiences with (job apps, robo help, etc), and perspectives on ML
I'd like to introduce a framework for attacking problems with the techniques we will cover in class...