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Welcome to our team project website!

This is a website to showcase our final project for FIN 377 - Data Science for Finance course at Lehigh University.

To see the complete analysis file(s) click here.

Maybe you want a different website them for the project? Consider minimal-mistakes:

  1. Go here.
  2. In the resulting repo, click Settings, then Pages, then make sure the source is the main branch.
  3. The doc site is here and will help you customize layouts and figure out how to use it.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Methodology
  3. Section 2
    1. Subsection
    2. Subsection
  4. Analysis Section
  5. Summary


(The “Introduction” text above is formatted in heading 2 style.) The main goal of this project is to explore (insert project idea here).


Here is some code that we used to develop our analysis. Blah Blah. More details are provided in the Appendix.

Note that for the purposes of the website, you have to copy this code into the markdown file and
put the code inside trip backticks with the keyword python.

import seaborn as sns 
iris = sns.load_dataset('iris') 

print(iris.head(),  '\n---')
print(iris.tail(),  '\n---')
print(iris.columns, '\n---')
print("The shape is: ",iris.shape, '\n---')
print("Info:",, '\n---') # memory usage, name, dtype, and # of non-null obs (--> # of missing obs) per variable
print(iris.describe(), '\n---') # summary stats, and you can customize the list!
print(iris['species'].value_counts()[:10], '\n---')
print(iris['species'].nunique(), '\n---')

Notice that the output does NOT show! You have to copy in figures and tables from the notebooks.


Blah blah

Subsection 1

This is a subsection, formatted in heading 3 style

Subsection 2

This is a subsection, formatted in heading 3 style

Analysis Section

Here are some graphs that we created in our analysis. We saved them to the pics/ subfolder and include them via the usual markdown syntax for pictures.

Some analysis here

More analysis here.

More analysis.


Blah blah

About the team

Julio is a senior at Lehigh studying finance.

Don is an assistant professor at Lehigh.


To view the GitHub repo for this website, click here.